Find Out Which Php.ini Is Being Used
If you are using the WAMP then finding the phpini is an easy task. Work with your server adminhosting provider to harmonise the PHP version used in both locations. Where Is My Php Php Ini Configuration File Located Devanswers Co As you can see there are two sections. . The phpini file is read from the web server every time PHP is loaded initialized. 2 User global phpini this file usually resides in the main folder for a user website like public_html and this serves all the php scripts that fall under the user account. Check phpini in CGI Common Gateway Interface. Look for the following section. Then check for the current value of max_execution_time you can also check which is the configuration file - phpini that is currently used and apply the changes there if the site using the global phpini file and you change the values for these settings this will make the changes globally for all sites. How to know which phpini file i